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Full Moon in Aries with Rising Sign Readings

Grand Risings from North Carolina! Happy Full Moon in Aries!

At 4:54pm EST the moon will officially be Full in Aries at 16°.

Brought you a video for this happening, because I am assisting Charlotte Hypnotherapy Institute with hypnotherapy training. I’m so happy I get to support and hold space for healing.

This Aries Full Moon is powerful energy & I will be sharing rising sign readings to each VIP paid subscriber. Comment your Rising Sign for your reading! I am looking forward to sharing what you can expect during this Full Moon!

✨ Laura Beth 💗

Also feel free to book a 1 to 1 astrology consultation with me to dive deep into your astrology.

Musings of a Mystic Astrologer
Musings of a Mystic Astrologer
Laura Beth Finley