The Moon is in Cancer today. It’s a great day to be in tune with our feelings, but this will also make us moody. You will be happiest with your family.
It is also Saturn Day!!! It’s a time to be thinking about our responsibilities.
I’m curious where your natal Saturn is in your chart. (Sign & House)
I’m also curious where it is transiting…
I encourage you to share in the comments or ask questions if you are feeling confused. I am here to educate and support your astrology journey!!!
I’ve been feeling a lot of feelings and I want to share where I am in life. I want to be real with you.
Saturn is transiting my 8th house right now and is in conjunction (separating aspect) with my North Node. I have a responsibility to lean into transformation. I have a duty to shed what does not work for me, leaning into the uncomfort of destiny.
Destiny is not always easy to grasp, because things have to change and shift. I have a responsibility to honor myself by giving myself permission to explore 8th house matters (sex, occult, and resurrection) in an Aquarian way (optimistic, free-spirited, eccentric, & futuristic)
I have started to explore the healing of my sacral chakra through more dance and I am finding that it is doing wonders for me. I have also been really acknowledging that there are 8th house things I feel called to explore and I have been.
Honoring my own path has really shaken things up with my ‘coparent’. We were sharing community on the same land while he would have the kids one week and I would have them the other. I was staying in my healing space as a tiny home.
He decided to move and although the uproar was ugly at first, it seems to have settled for the most part. I am finding my way back into the home that I bought in 2018 and will be buying him out in this process. My healing space will return to being my healing space.
I am now the primary parent and he gets the kids every other weekend. I have less support with raising the kids and it’s made it hard some days to come write. Especially when I’m asking myself if there is value being received right now. This could be my water moon calling me to hide.
I have been skipping days. I’ve been very busy. And it’s easier for me to make time for projects that I feel are making an impact.
Just to keep it real, writing this with little energy exchange from the people reading… not liking the post, not commenting, and/or not finding enough value to become a paid subscriber… it is discouraging because I put a lot into it. So then I have been in this place of “what’s the point?”
I have been very consistent and I’m providing a lot of information to the collective to support them in their journeys. Having the astrology and someone that will interpret the transits is HUGE.
I am stepping into more financial responsibilities, more parenting responsibilities, and I will be receiving minimal support.
I love writing these updates, but I desire to know that you are receiving value.
Does having the Celestial Energy of the Day or Weekend help you?
If it does please consider liking, commenting, or becoming a paid subscriber.
My life is changing mega fast. Thank you for being here for the journey.
Oh and momma could always use a coffee. That type of energy exchange is always valued.
✨ Laura Beth 💗