Celestial Energy of Full Moon in Pisces & Retrograde Season with Readings by Rising Sign
The cosmic energy is at an all time high and it is what we do with it that truly counts. It is about our awareness and how we choose to tune into these energies from our highest good. This is nothing to be feared. However, there is great medicine to our spirits and growth that is available on our path if we are willing to lean in.
Mercury goes Retrograde tonight September 9th, 2022 at 11:38pm EST.
I am sure you have heard about Mercury Rx or even saw memes about it. People often dread this period, but I do not think that we should fear this. Mercury Rx actually gives us an opportunity to heal unresolved cords in communication. This communication can be connected to travel, business contracts, mental energy, and how we interact with others in our lives.
Mercury Rx in Libra
Our relationships will likely have things surface in this time and there could potentially be people from the past that show up. Look out! There are loose cords that need to be worked with, because healing is NOT linear. Sometimes we have unfinished business to completely heal and end cycles in our lives.
Libra has a deep desire to experience harmony. Take note of how this period may bring challenges that bring awareness to the shadows in your life that prevent balance. This energy can also be incredibly indecisive and struggle to make choices without communication with someone close. Remember to ultimately trust yourself and not 2nd guess yourself too much.
Mercury Rx moves into Virgo on September 23rd, 2022 at 8:04am
Virgo is ruled by Mercury. So it is very much about information, but its more about how we organize this information. This sign is all about our daily routines, habits, health, service, and our work. Before traveling in this time, be sure to take time to plan things out and have things organized. Also revisit old projects that you have taken space from. The time will be now! Be cautious about being critical in communication though. Sometimes organizing our thoughts can bring obsessive behavior.
The Moon is Full in Pisces on September 10th, 2022 at 5:59am EST
The energy of release is here as this cycle comes to a close. We may recognize that the energy can be a bit chaotic around us. Pisces takes us to our very depths and as a water sign can be very emotional. Ruled by Neptune, we are invited to release illusion and tune into the mystic energy at hand. We are energetically more sensitive and will find our intuition speaking to us. Be sure to take time for yourself to rest and recharge. You deserve it and it will be much needed!
When does the retrograde period end?
Mercury Rx ends on October 2nd, 2022 at 5:07am EST
Be mindful of communication, travel, and all contracts!
Pluto Rx ends on October 8th, 2022 at 5:56 pm EST
Pluto shows where our power is. This energy calls us to reflect on how we empower others and embracing that energy within.
Saturn Rx ends on October 23rd, 2022 at 12:07am EST
Our discipline for self is being tested in this time as we find karmic patterns resurface.
Jupiter Rx ends on November 23, 2022 at 6:02pm EST
The planet of expansion brings focus to our dreams. We are being invited to take a look how to explore more authentic ways to reach them.
Neptune RX ends on December 3rd, 2022 at 7:15pm EST
The masks are off and things are more clear. The blessing and opportunities that come are way during this period are incredible.
Uranus RX ends on January 22, 2022 at 5:58pm EST
Uranus can bring fast changes so we are being invited to explore our intentions from the past and see how we can pave the road to bring them to life. This energy brings space to get quirky with our ideas.
Thank you for tuning into the magic of the celestial cycles with me.
✨ Laura Beth Finley 💗
I offer readings by Rising Sign for Mercury Rx & the Full Moon. Be sure to subscribe as a Paid Subscriber to receive your reading. After subscribing and become a VIP member, you will be able to see the readings on this page.
You can book 1 on 1 astrology consultations, tarot readings, and transpersonal trauma healing hypnotherapy with me too. Book here!